Chapter 6 - Establishing Commission Plans
This section provides an overview for establishing commission plans for your agents. Pro Gold XP supports various commission plans; however, an agent can only be assigned to one plan at a given time. Agents can be moved to a different plan when necessary. You may enter as many plans as needed.
Flat rate plans are those with only one fixed percentage. For example, a 100% company would only need one plan set to calculate at 100%. Companies that have several plans, but all at fixed rates would need a plan for each rate (e.g., 50% Plan, 60% Plan, 70% Plan, etc...)
Some plans have tiers/levels with a different rate for each level. Tiered plans must have a parameter associated with the plan that allows an agent, once assigned to it, to be able to progress through the levels. The following is a list of parameter types tracked within Pro Gold XP:
- Company Earnings (Based on the amount the company receives from the split calculation)
- Agent Earnings (Based on the amount the agent receives from the split calculation; Agent Gross Commission)
- Sales Volume (Based on the selling volume assigned in the Agent Tab of the property record)
- Listing Volume (Based on the listing volume assigned in the Agent Tab of the property record)
- Total Volume (Based on the listing and selling volume assigned in the Agent Tab of the property record)
- Number of Units (Based on the unit amount assigned in the Agent Tab of the property record; 1 unit per side)
- Net Commission (Based on agent’s net check amount; Agent Net Commission)
- Adjusted Gross (Gross Commission Income [GCI] less an outside referral fee)
- Your company commission plan information
- Copy of company plan data faxed to TARO
- Pro Gold XP Main Menu => Properties Tab => Commission Plans Icon